Saturday, August 26, 2006

Calling Teen Volunteers!

Teenagers Make A Difference Day

Teenagers Make A Difference Day is an important national event where teens are mobilized to do something good for their neighborhoods and communities. L.A. Works is excited to be one of the organizations poised to facilitate our city's response to this call. We need 15 youth volunteers (ages 14 to 19) to comprise the Organizing Committee! The Organizing Committee will plan and implement a volunteer service project that will be completed on the Teenagers Make A Difference Day, October 28, 2006. During this first meeting of the Organizing Committee, the teen participants will brainstorm ideas, make goals, select and begin the planning process for the service project. Click Here to sign up for this exciting project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
My name is Eileen Alcala I am the community outreach coordinator for the Phoenix House which a residential home for teens whom desire to leave their past of substance abuse behind and start a positive life style of sobiety. Majority of these teens need to complete community service hours and they are very interested in volunteering with your organization, giving back to their peers. please contact me at 818-686-3000 ext.4257 or email: