Thursday, January 12, 2006

Disaster Response Exercise

Help L.A. prepare for a terrorist attack!

Feb 2
7:00 am - Noon
Two Locations:
Long Beach

How would Los Angeles cope with a major county-wide catastrophe? L.A. needs hundreds of volunteers to role-play as disaster victims to help train county first responders (doctors, nurses, fire and police personnel, paramedics and other health professionals) in a major simulation of a bio terrorist attack. Drills will take place on Thursday, February 2nd from 7:00 am SHARP to noon in both Glendale and Long Beach.

There are no age restrictions for this volunteer opportunity so feel free to sign-up your entire family! This event is being coordinated with the Volunteer Center of Los Angeles.

To sign-up:

For this special event there is a two step process to volunteer:

1) Click on the Have Agency Contact Me button. (This will notify the Volunteer Center that you are potentially interested in volunteering).

2) You will get an email with an Internet Link instructing you where you MUST go to complete your sign-up online. Be SURE to read this email and follow the directions to complete your sign up for this event.

Click here to be taken to the L.A. Works website and the referral link.

Thanks for your support in helping to keep our county safe!

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